HCA Specials' Website


On this site, you can find information

about each of the special's classes that

our elementary students attend weekly.


 You may contact the specials' teachers using the following email addresses:


ART - Lisa Denner at ldenner@hebronlions.org

LIBRARY/MEDIA SPECIALIST - Patty Mapes at pmapes@hebronlions.org

MUSIC - Ruth Mullen at rmullen@hebronlions.org

P.E./HEALTH - Tania Bourne at tbourne@hebronlions.org

SPANISH - Melissa Perez at mperez@hebronlions.org

STUDENT SUPPORT - Jenny Stancel at jstancel@hebronlions.org

TECHNOLOGY - Ann Jernigan at ajernigan@hebronlions.org


We look forward to a great year

at Hebron Christian Academy!